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专辑名称: Moonlighting
艺 术 家: The Rippingtons
音乐风格: Smooth Jazz
发行厂牌:Passport Records
发行时间: 1986
音乐时长: 00:41:29
专辑容量: 254,83 Mb
资源品质: FLAC

by Jonathan Widran

Released in 1986, this album not only stands as a genre-definingprimer on what has become known as smooth jazz, but it also helpedlaunch the careers of various artists whose music has been crucialto the genre's vitality. In addition to composer/guitarist/producerRuss Freeman and the Ripps, there's David Benoit (playing agorgeous piano melody on &Mirage&), keyboardist GreggKarukas, bassist Jimmy Johnson (who scored hits with Flim & theBBs), saxmen Brandon Fields and Dave Koz (whose floating ElectronicWind Instrument melody guides the silky &Dreams&), and somesoprano-wielding guy named Kenny G. One of the G-man's leastcloying -- and indeed, most engaging -- performances can be heardon the lilting, Calypso-influenced &She Likes to Watch.&(One of Freeman's best tunes, it continues to get heavy airplay.)The opening, six-minute title track -- a guitar-driven, light funktune that weaves percussionist Steve Reid's nature soundscaping andexotic sound effects with a hypnotic synth melody -- epitomizes thekind of smooth texturing for which the Rippingtons became famous.While the band's personnel has evolved, the best tunes on theRipps' more recent recordings still feature Freeman jamming onguitars and Reid brewing up just the right amount of aggression andsubtlety with his toys. The all-star personnel alone makes this amust-hear all these years later. The fact that it still holds upmelodically, rhythmically, and production-wise makes it one ofsmooth jazz's most important and enjoyable recordings.

01. Moonlighting 6:41
02. She Likes To Watch 5:33
03. Angela 4:45
04. Dreams 5:08
05. Mirage 4:18
06. Calypso Cafe 4:42
07. Open All Night 4:48
08. Intimate Strangers 5:40



【现代爵士】The Rippingtons - 1986 - Moonlighting(FLAC).rar


